What is the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine?
During open heart surgery it is necessary to keep the heart and lungs immobile, a surgical field free of blood so that Cardiovascular Surgeons can perform the surgical repair in the best way. To maintain blood flow to the body tissues during the operation, surgeons require the implementation of Extracorporeal support or Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass machine, which is managed by Cardiovascular Perfusionists.

What is Cardiovascular Perfusion?
What is a Perfusionist?
The Perfusionist is an essential member of the cardio-surgical team, is the specialist responsible for preparing and operating the extracorporeal circulation machine and other sophisticated equipment (ECMO, Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump, Cell-Saver, Ventricular Assist devices) used during an open heart surgery.
What are the supplies used by a Perfusionist?

Lic. Benito Jiménez
Adults & Peds Pefusionist.